What is Inner Child Healing?

Beneath every trigger is a fear-based story and unprocessed emotion. Our wounded Ego may have convinced us that it's someone else's fault, but if we extenalise the pain, then we will continue to seek healing outside of us.

Instead of replaying stories of victimhood or focusing on the details, we can adopt a spiritual approach to bring awareness on the major themes and lessons that these wounds are highlighting.

The root cause of most triggers can be tracked back to our formative years, especially in childhood when we were vulnerable and highly impressionable.

This is why Inner Child Work is essential part of our self-healing and spiritual growth.

Trauma to Trigger

Inner Work helps us understand how past traumatic experiences inform our emotionally-charged reactions, wounded ego stories and present-day defence mechanism (triggers).

Original Wound:
Traumatic Event

The original Big T or Small T trauma that we found distressing, disturbing or challenging.

Example: Being frequently criticised, shamed or ridiculed.

Energetic Block:
Emotional Reaction

How the trauma made us feel. In childhood, these emotions are usually unprocessed/ unreconciled.

Example: “I feel embarrassed, humiliated and scared of failure.”

Limiting Belief:
Wounded Ego Story

The story or personal interpretation our Wounded Ego created attributed to the trauma. Over time, this becomes our Inner Critic.

Example. “I’m not good enough. It’s safer to play small. If I don't try, I won't fail.

Defence Mechanism

The fear-based behaviour, attitude or worldview we adopt based on the ego stories we tell ourselves to cope or protect ourselves.

Example: I get triggered when I am asked to speak, perform or express myself authentically.

Inner Child Healing 1–1 Sessions:
Online via Zoom

Illuminating your blind spots can be a tricky process to navigate alone. That's why we offer guided 1-1 immersions that will help you identify the needs that were not met in childhood and bring a deeper understanding of traumatic experiences so you can reconcile those wounds once and for all.

* Prices are in Australian Dollar $AUD

Inner Child Healing:
3 Session Immersion

Duration: 3 x 60-minute sessions
Where: Online via Zoom

Kevin combines his emotional GPS and intuitive downloads with Inner Work practices to help you uncover the root cause of your triggers. These sessions will help you identify and release suppressed emotions, rewrite limiting beliefs and transmute the influence of past traumas.

This 3 Session Immersion will introduce you to the basic process of Inner Child Work, giving you a first-hand experience of meeting, communicating, healing and integrating your childhood wounds:

  • Session 1: Connecting To Your Inner Child
  • Session 2: Healing Inner Child Wounds
  • Session 3: Inner Child Retrieval & Integration

Inner Child Healing + Reparenting:
7 Session Immersion

Duration: 7 x 60-minute sessions
Where: Online via Zoom

Kevin combines his emotional GPS and intuitive downloads with Inner Work practices to help you uncover the root cause of your triggers. These sessions will help you identify and release suppressed emotions, rewrite limiting beliefs and transmute the influence of past traumas.

This advanced 7 Session Immersion covers additional topics to offer a deep, thorough and extensive understanding of the Inner Child Healing and Reparenting process:

  • Session 1: Connecting To Your Inner Child
  • Session 2: Healing Inner Child Wounds
  • Session 3: Inner Child Retrieval & Integration
  • Session 4: Emotional Embodiment
  • Session 5: Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy
  • Session 6: Healing The Mother / Father Wound
  • Session 7: How To Reparent Yourself


These sessions are for you if you want to:

  • Understand why you get triggered by certain people or situations

  • Resolve and heal from childhood trauma

  • Shift out of victim-mentality into self-empowerment

  • Forgive yourself or others for past experiences

  • Heal from feelings of guilt or shame about past events 

  • Learn how to self-soothe when triggered 

  • Let go of emotional baggage

  • Develop deeper empathy and compassion for self and others

  • Learn how to process emotions instead of suppressing or avoiding them

  • Rewrite stories of harsh self-judgement or criticism

  • Express yourself authentically and unapologetically

  • Cultivate more self-worth and self-love

  • Reconnect to your curiosity, creativity and imagination

  • Invite more ply and joy into our life


I just wanted to share how impactful yesterday‘s session was for me. You recognised my trigger immediately and held impeccable space as you walked me through healing a huge wound I had around my father. It was so special magical and aligned. Your guidance helped me to finally come to terms with and transmute this traumatic experience that had been running my life for so long.

From the moment our session began, you held loving space and were a firm stand for me to truly see an experience I needed to heal. You didn’t let me get stuck in my story and I appreciate that because the moment I let it go was the same moment that everything transformed.

This experience has forever changed my life and my trajectory, and there is no amount of words that could truly express the gratitude I have for you. Thank you for all you do in this world. You are truly a gift to all who work with you and through you.

– Tara

For the first time I felt empathy instead of disgust. And a gentleness towards that image of myself we went back to in the healing visualisation.

It was a really powerful session and I still feel shocked at the shift in my inner sentiment. The thought of vulnerability doesn't repulse me anymore and I truly feel I have the state of mind to treat all versions of me, past and present, with a kindness I didn't have the capacity for before.

I truely appreciate you holding space during that healing, I really feel a sense of lightness since then. And yeh, Academy of Transcendence is very aptly named as I feel like I have transcended something indeed.

– Eden 

“All outer change starts with Inner Work."

The 8 Pillars of Inner Work


At Academy Of Transcendence, we take a spiritual approach to mental and emotional well-being, blending the fields of psychology, emotional intelligence, energy work, somatic healing and philosophy.


Over the years, we’ve developed our own signature framework for self-healing. We call this The 8 Pillars Of Inner Work, a powerful collection of expansive concepts and practical tools.

Icon representing 'Ego Work' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a smiling face in black outline with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Ego Work

Ego Work

Icon representing 'Emotional Intelligence' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a heart-shaped smiling face with wavy lines extending downward, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Icon representing 'Healthy Boundaries' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a face with two large eyes, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. The lower half of the face is shaded in black. Below the icon is the text 'Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries

Icon representing 'Shadow Work' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a star-shaped figure with a smiling face and rays emanating from it, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Shadow Work

Shadow Work

Icon representing 'Emotional Embodiment' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a smiling face within a sun-like shape with wavy edges, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Emotional Embodiment

Emotional Embodiment

Icon representing 'Masculine & Feminine' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of two figures, one in black and one in yellow-green, facing each other in a circular formation, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Masculine & Feminine

Masculine & Feminine

Icon representing 'Inner Child Work' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a pear-shaped figure with a smiling face and a smaller face inside a black circle at the bottom, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Inner Child Work

Inner Child Work

Icon representing 'Reparenting' from the Academy Of Transcendence. The icon features a simple, abstract drawing of a larger face with a smaller face inside it, outlined in black with a bright yellow-green glow around it. Below the icon is the text 'Reparenting



Meet your guide, Kevin.

Meet your guide, Kevin. Kevin is sitting cross-legged on a colorful cushion in a minimalist room with a serene expression

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know what a 1-1 Session with me is like.

The most important thing is making sure these containers are safe and non-judgmental. After setting some clear intentions for our work together, we’ll both feel out what the most important thing that needs our attention.

My intuitive abilities come online help to guide our sessions. Primarily, I receive claircognizant “downloads” that are confirmed by clairsentience sensations which helps me identify the emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, unique healing themes and any resistance that needs to be processed and transmuted.

These 1-1 sessions blend various modalities such as Inner Work, Energy Work and Somatic Healing.

My role as a guide is to help you navigate your thoughts, emotions and energy, holding a safe and sacred space so you can revisit past wounds, rewire patterns of self sabotage and come to your own insights, realisations and “a-ha’ moments.

Every challenging situation has a spiritual lesson to teach us, whether that’s stepping into your personal power, releasing stories of low self-worth or giving yourself permission to express yourself authentically.

By processing and reconciling your past wounds, you can integrate the spiritual lesson and cultivate greater Embodied Wisdom.