I allow beauty to weave throughout the tapestry of my life

#beautyinsimplicity #gratitudepractice #morningaffirmations #selfreflection #spiritualjourney Nov 28, 2023

This affirmation came through in my morning ritual today. It surprised me to see it on the page... I don't usually write about beauty, it's not something I've consciously called in before.

It made me reflect on what I typically invite, accept or affirm. You know, the usual suspects like love, joy and abundance.

I tend to connect with the feeling of what I'd like to experience rather than specific details. For example at the start of the year, I called in more adventure.

Beauty is a wildcard. Probably because my definition of beauty has changed a lot over the years – from pretty superficial to way more abstract, nuanced and innate.

I've learned that beauty isn't a goal you reach, obtain or achieve. It's a personal interpretation of reality that you can access in any given moment. And it often comes with waves of gratitude, curiosity, acceptance and awe.

Recently, I've been prompted to ask: "What comes after self-healing...?"

As I let go of more labels, stories and attachments, I notice life slowing down. I've never felt so much spaciousness than I do right now.

I'm noticing more time, space and presence to acknowledge and appreciate different expressions of beauty, even in the most mundane things.

Here's to more beauty in our lives 🥂