Ascension Update: March Equinox

#astrologicalnewyear' #divinefeminine #energyhealing #happyequinox #spiritualawakening Mar 20, 2024

Happy Equinox + first day of the astrological new year!

Pisces season seemed to drag out so I'm personally excited to soak in some of this new Aries energy ♈🔥

After a powerful hibernation phase, I'm crawling out of my proverbial cave with a 3-part downloaded transmission that came in loud and clear in the early hours of this morning.

I'm seeing a group of the Ascension collective emerging from cocoon phase, having undergone a period of forced pause that helped to reinstate divine feminine values, rewire internal circuitry and release outdated energy from completed cycles.

This is a broader message for the majority of people on their Spiritual Awakening path. It speaks to the impact intensifying solar, cosmic, and geomagnetic frequencies have on our physical vessels.

For the past few years, I've been observing my physical body cycle through purging to clear out the old to make room for the new, the recovery phase after receiving new energies and light codes, and then integrating them as embodied activations 🧬

My top 3 tips for managing Ascension Symptoms:
1️⃣ Listen when your body asks for rest
2️⃣ Ascension is a marathon, not a sprint so be kind to yourself throughout this process
3️⃣ Drink more water! (obvs without the fluoride, chlorine and heavy metals)

The March Equinox (also referred to as the start of the Astrological New Year) marks a time of energetic balance and reset.

Over the past month, you may have retreated into hermit mode. This was a void-like energetic cocoon that created a safe space to slow down, tune into your inner wisdom, and detach from anything that no longer serves you on your Ascension path.

Many in the Ascension collective have just completed a period of forced pause where we felt disorientated, stagnant or in limbo.

Maybe you encountered blockages around motivation, inspiration or clarity regarding your direction or next step forward?

Within the void, there was a reinvigoration of Divine Feminine energy.

The period from today's Equinox running up to the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th is preparing us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually for another quantum leap in consciousness.

There is an air of anticipation. Collectively, we can sense something big is on the horizon. The intelligence of our bodies knows that change is imminent and we can prepare by releasing the old to make room for the new; shedding, releasing, detoxing and purifying.

Step into a state of allowance and receptivity, trusting that your Higher Self can see the path ahead and the current challenges that you are experiencing are important initiations preparing you and your body for the incoming energies.

Major themes included tending to the physical body, prioritising self-care, stepping into the void with stillness, cultivating a deeper capacity for patience and surrender, and acknowledging that taking rest is not only healthy and necessary but also enjoyable.

Did the past month make you restless or frustrated at the lack of external progress?

Or were you able to settle into these opportunities for introspection and deep relaxation, give yourself permission to rest, trust in the cycles and seasons of life and savour the 'time off'?

This was an important rebalancing of healthy masculine and feminine energy. We were invited to rewire indoctrinated programs of workaholism, obsessive doing and toxic productivity and reinstate the value of rest, play and expressions of creativity simply for our personal joy, curiosity or satisfaction.

During this hibernation phase, you may have witnessed abrupt endings in relationships, an uptick in polarising situations, or new awareness of outdated beliefs that have been keeping you in stories of lack, limitation or victim-mentality.

These were the culminating lessons from the old astrological cycle. Are you ready to start your next curriculum?

Perhaps there are still important choices required to create space for beautiful new connections, experiences and opportunities to flow in?

The period from today's Equinox running up to the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th is preparing us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually for another quantum leap in consciousness.

There is an air of anticipation. Collectively, we can sense something big is on the horizon. The intelligence of our bodies knows that change is imminent and we can prepare by releasing the old to make room for the new; shedding, releasing, detoxing and purifying.

Step into a state of allowance and receptivity, trusting that your Higher Self can see the path ahead and the current challenges that you are experiencing are iimportant nitiations preparing you and your body for the incoming energies.