Real talk... How deep is your self-love?

#healthyboundaries #personalgrowth #selfcare #selflove #wellbeing Nov 07, 2022

There's a big difference between prioritising our needs and making selfish choices at someone else's expense.

Our capacity to love others mirrors our capacity to love ourselves. Read that again.

The problem is we’ve been conditioned to believe that it’s selfish to put ourselves first.

Being selfless is widely praised and celebrated across the globe but often translates to self-neglect, people-pleasing, martyr syndrome and abandoning our needs.

The result of this over-giving is evident all around us in the form of self-sacrifice, resentment and burn-out.

It’s not selfish to put ourselves first to make sure our needs are met. Because, if we don't nurture ourselves, who else will?

"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘺 𝘤𝘶𝘱."

Practicing self-care and cultivating self-love means we can show up in the world and be of service from a place of wellness, rather than exhaustion or obligation.

This could mean being kinder to the way we talk to ourselves, learning how to set healthy boundaries or creating space for rest, play and reconnecting to nature.

Recently I've put way too much on my plate with work, running events and social commitments and this really took its toll on my energy field — eclipse season in Scorpio hasn't helped 🤪. So last week I had to practice what I preach and carve out more space to recharge.

It's taken a while to learn how to say "No" to people, situations and particularly my ego stories about ambition/ perfectionism/ external validation. Like many of us, I've learned about weak boundaries the hard way.

It's a peculiar transition moving from feeling pressured to constantly "do stuff" and relaxing into the simple enjoyment of being.

With each boundary I set, I show myself more love and rewrite my conditioning around productivity = self-worth.

This Wednesday, I'm looking forward to sharing all the resources I've collected about boundaries with my Self-Mastery Circle fam (thankyou for last week's break 🙏😌)

So real talk... How can you show yourself more self-love this week?
