Serve and you will be served

#5dconsciousness #abundancemindset #ascensionprocess #servicetoothers #spiritualgrowth Jan 31, 2024

This phrase has been coming into my field recently and it drew my attention to a choice point we have in our personal and collective Ascension process.

As we move through the 4th Dimension, we each get to choose our expression of Love:
1) Service to self
2) Service to others (which paradoxically includes serving yourself too)

Outside the duality of the 3rd Dimension, there is no good or bad path – both are valid explorations of Source energy. In any given incarnation, a soul may wish to experience rapid learning and transformation through challenge and contrast, while another soul may prefer more calm and ease.

The 5th Dimension consciousness doesn’t operate under ‘This or That’ thinking, it works with the unifying principle of ‘This AND That’.

This means multiple realities can co-exist.

It means we can simultaneously perceive ourselves as individual (ego consciousness) and collective (one with all that is).

The limitless love and abundance of collective 5D Unity Conscious can be a difficult concept to grasp if we’ve had the majority of our focus on our individualised (and often wounded) 3D ego experiences which reinforce lack, limitation and separation.

This is why the phrase “Serve and you will be served” can be hard to comprehend and even harder to embody.

From the 3D paradigm, we worry about not having, doing or being enough.

The ‘Gifting Economy’ is a concept that a friend shared with me from the book ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’.

It's rooted in the understanding that we are all part of the same universal family and the universe is inherently abundant in energy, resources and love. That's why we can give without any qualms because we know that we are giving to ourselves.

Nature gives to us unconditionally, it is man-made concepts of scarcity that make war, greed and taking at the expense of others possible.

A paradigm shift is required for the Ascending individual.

It requires a dismantling of capitalistic belief systems that reinforce property, territory and ownership.

It requires the understanding that we are all cells of the same cosmic body – each a unique and essential jigsaw piece in a divinely perfect puzzle.

The universe is neutral – it simply gives us more of what we are.

To be more specific, the universe gives us more of what we think and feel.

When we believe we have enough to give and give freely, we are telling the universe it’s ok to send us more experiences of abundance. The same is true if we believe we are in lack, scarcity or victim consciousness.

Devoting ourselves to helping, supporting, uplifting and inspiring others sends out a powerful signal.

⚠️ This can be nuanced so we need to discern if our motivation to serve is masking a trauma response: people-pleasing, martyr-syndrome, saviour complex or self-sacrifice.

This is why it’s important to ask: Does our service make us feel energised or drained? Is it a heavy responsibility or stressful obligation, or is it a joyful and heartfelt expression of our interest and passions?

Aligning with the unique song of your heartspace is an undeniably magnetic force.

If we are willing to receive opportunities through surprising and delightful synchronicities, we establish a creative dialogue with the universe that will show us again and again that we are loved and fully supported to serve ourselves and others in meaningful, joyful and magical ways.

And so it is 🙏