What is Inner Work?

#emotionalintelligence #innerwork #selfhealing #selfmastery #spiritualgrowth Sep 24, 2023

Over time, we can pick up faulty beliefs from people, situations, and environments around us – beliefs that form stories like:

  • "I'm not enough"
  • "My opinion isn't important"
  • "I need to prove myself"

This negative self-talk affects our sense of self-worth and may push us to chase the feeling of 'enoughness' by doing more, being more, accumulating more, or achieving more.

What if you don't need anything external to feel happy and fulfilled?

There are many approaches to healing. Inner Work is the path of:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Self-Healing
  • Self-Realisation
  • Self-Mastery
  • Self-Love

Inner Work helps us master our thoughts, emotions, and energy. This means becoming aware of the underlying trauma that creates emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging patterns.

We created Inner Work – Foundations, our 8-week online course, to empower you with the knowledge and tools to build your own self-healing practice.

In this immersive group container, Kevin will guide you through the core concepts and practices of Inner Work so that you can heal yourself.

  • Meet and heal your Wounded Ego
  • Reveal your Inner Critic archetypes
  • Discover your unique healing themes
  • Regulate your emotions like a boss!
  • Set healthy boundaries with ease
  • Learn why you judge yourself and others
  • Express yourself authentically
  • Level up with like-minded souls

Inner Work – Foundations 8-week Online Course

  • Session 1: Ego as Individuality
  • Session 2: Ego as Defence Mechanism
  • Session 3: Ego as Inner Critic
  • Session 4: Emotional Intelligence
  • Session 5: Healthy Boundaries
  • Session 6: Shadow Work
  • Session 7: Building Your Practice
  • Session 8: Closing Ceremony

Academy Of Transcendence takes a spiritual approach to mental and emotional well-being, blending the fields of psychology, emotional intelligence, energy work, somatic healing and philosophy.
If you're new to self-healing, our 8-week online course ‘Inner Work – Foundations’ is a fantastic place to start πŸ’ͺ

Our big vision is to establish a network of universities all over the globe to make these transformative concepts, tools and life skills accessible to everyone:

🌐 A spiritually integrated education system for New Earth

🌐 A radiant heart-centered community of Inner Workers

🌐 A safe and supportive space to Transcend Together

And so it is.

Visit Inner Work Foundations to learn more.
