Ready for your 5D Heartspace Upgrade?

Join us for our Lion's Gate  Energy Activation Workshop featuring an Astral-Shamanic Journey, Light Language Transmission and Immersive 5D Heartspace Upgrade.

Whether you've attended one of our previous events or just feeling a call to join this year, we're excited to hold sacred space and Transcend Together. Read on to find out about the powerful transmissions we've got lined up for the upcoming 8/8 Portal.

Lion’s Gate is like Christmas for the spiritual community. 


Every year when Earth lines up with Sirius and Orion while in the sign of Leo, powerful Light Codes and cosmic frequencies descend from the higher realms. These codes are available from July 25th – August 12th, peaking on the magical climax we know as the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Ascension collective has been busy awakening to the 3D systems, healing trauma, releasing, purging and moving into a place of surrender to allow the New Earth consciousness to flow in and take form.

Anchoring 5D unity consciousness requires each of us to connect to our most powerful energetic field… the heart-space.


But what does it actually mean to live from the heart?


We hear many teachers and guides talk about the importance of the heart for spiritual growth. However, for those of us who were trained to prioritise thinking over feeling, learning how to navigate through the heart can feel completely foreign.

The mind is a wonderful tool that helps us identify, analyse and label things through comparison and contrast. In essence, the mind allows us to perceive separation.

The heart is the unifying force necessary for healing, integration and upleveling into higher states of consciousness.

And while the mind may be able to conceptualise wholeness. But the heart is the portal through which we can tangibly experience what that wholeness feels like.

This is why the channeled guidance that came through to us is all about upgrading our heartspace connection to fully embody the 5D frequencies now available.

For this year's Lion’s Gate, we’re joining forces with galactic channel & intuitive healer Tara Lightbringer for an Energy Activation Workshop featuring an Astral Journey, Light Language Transmission and Immersive 5D Heartspace Upgrade.

Kevin Tran

Inner Work & Ascension Guide

Tara Lightbringer

Galactic Channel + Intuitive Healer

Lion's Gate Portal 2024

Energy Activation Workshop









The Lyrans and Sirians have stepped forward again to walk us through a new level of heartspace opening, and it seems like there is something special for the Orion starseed collective, particularly those that feel a resonance with Mintaka.

As an optional bonus, we will also be opening a safe space for those open and willing to make contact with their Galactic guides and family.


A sacred journey into the heartspace...

In this workshop, Kevin and Tara will be guiding you through:

  • Setting Sacred Space for grounding and protection
  • Energy Activation to connect with the Lion’s Gate energies
  • Astral-Shamanic Journey into the soul spiral and healing crystal waters of the heart
  • Reunion Ritual with channeled Light Language to connect with your Galactic guides and family

Not only will our spiritual Sun Sirius, be supercharging this workshop, the collective group energy will also be amplifying our intentions and manifestations.


Lion's Gate Portal 2024

Day: Thursday 8 August
Time: 7PM – 9PM (AEST)
Where: Online via Zoom

Standard Ticket: $77


Behind the Scenes

Curious about how we downloaded the theme and Astral-Shamanic Journey for this year's Lion's Gate event? We hit record on our video call to capture the magic real-time as it came through.

Video Poster Image



Here are some frequently asked questions and practical tips to get the most out of your Energy Activation experience.